Reisterstown Daycare |
Monday - Friday 7am to 6pm |
Serving Children 2 to 5 years old |
mysmallwonders.net |
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DayCare Programs |
Busy Bees (2 year olds): |
Two year olds are naturally very curious about their environment. One main focus in this class is to build social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and patience. We use weekly themes that include art, science, beginning literacy, and cooking projects. Each month our two year olds focus on a different color, shape, and community helper. |
Caterpillars (3 year olds): |
Three year olds are just beginning to assert their independence. This class is designed to allow the children to have opportunities where they can make their own choices within classroom limitations. The Catepillars have weekly themes that include lessons of math, literacy, science, art, and cooking. Our three year olds work with a different color, a new shape, two numbers, and introduce letters each month. |
Butterflies (4 year olds): |
Four year olds are becoming more aware of their environment which includes not only letters, but also letter sounds and words in print. That is why our four year olds are immersed in literacy in many ways to meet the needs of various learning styles. We use weekly themes that include lessons in literacy, math, science, art, cooking, and handwriting. The Butterflies concentrate on three letters and two numbers per month. |
High Fives (5 year olds): |
This program was designed to meet the needs of those children whose entrance age does not allow them into kindergarten until they have already turned five years old. In this program the children use a published curriculum from High Reach Learning, which includes kindergarten level material. |
Other Daycare Programs: |
- Gymnastics: by Rebounders Gymnastics (additional fee).
- Chapel Talk
- Children’s Christmas Program
- Family literacy Nights
- Family Pizza Night
- Father’s Day Cookout
- Guest Speakers (Dentist, Police Department, Reisterstown Fire Department)
- Field trips (examples: Maryland Zoo, Baltimore Aquarium, Reisterstown Library)
- Grandparent’s Luncheon
- Ice Cream Social
- Mother’s Day Brunch
- Movie Night
- Pre-K Graduation
- End of the Summer Party
- Water Play Days
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